function Factors = factorize(polyn)
format long; Factors = [];
% Use threshold of 1e-8 instead of 0 to account for
% precision effects
THRESH = 1e-8;
proots = roots(polyn); % get the zeroes of the polynomial
len = length(proots); % get the number of zeroes
while(len > 1)
if(abs(imag(proots(1))) <>
fac = [1 -real(proots(1))];
% construct the factor with proots(1) as zero
Factors = [Factors;[fac 0]];
else % if the zero has imaginary part get all zeroes whose
% imag part is -ve of imaginary part of proots(1)
negimag = imag(proots)+imag(proots(1));
% get all zeroes which have same real part as proot(1)
samereal = real(proots)-real(proots(1));
%find the complex conjugate zero
index = find(abs(negimag)
if(index) % if the complex conjugate exists
fac = [1 -2*real(proots(1)) abs(proots(1))^2];
%form 2nd order factor
Factors = [Factors;fac];
else % if the complex conjugate does not exist
fac = [1 -proots(1)];
Factors = [Factors;[fac 0]];
polyn = deconv(polyn,fac);
%deconvolve the 1st/2nd order factor from polyn
proots = roots(polyn); %determine the new zeros
len = length(polyn); %determine the number of zeros
% Program 6_1
% Determination of the Factored Form
% of a Rational z-Transform
num = input('Type in the numerator coefficients = ');
den = input('Type in the denominator coefficients = ');
K = num(1)/den(1);
Numfactors = factorize(num)
Denfactors = factorize(den)
disp('Numerator factors');disp(Numfactors);
disp('Denominator factors');disp(Denfactors);
disp('Gain constant');disp(K);
% Program 6_2
% Determination of the Rational z-Transform
% from its Poles and Zeros
format long
zr = input('Type in the zeros as a row vector = ');
pr = input('Type in the poles as a row vector = ');
% Transpose zero and pole row vectors
z = zr'; p = pr';
k = input('Type in the gain constant = ');
[num, den] = zp2tf(z, p, k);
disp('Numerator polynomial coefficients'); disp(num);
disp('Denominator polynomial coefficients'); disp(den);
%Program 6_3
% Partial-Fraction Expansion of Rational z-Transform
num = input('Type in numerator coefficients = ');
den = input('Type in denominator coefficients = ');
[r,p,k] = residuez(num,den);
% Program 6_4
% Partial-Fraction Expansion to Rational z-Transform
r = input('Type in the residues = ');
p = input('Type in the poles = ');
k = input('Type in the constants = ');
[num, den] = residuez(r,p,k);
disp('Numerator polynomial coefficients'); disp(num)
disp('Denominator polynomial coefficients'); disp(den)
% Program 6_5
% Power Series Expansion of a Rational z-Transform
% Read in the number of inverse z-transform coefficients to be computed
L = input('Type in the length of output vector = ');
% Read in the numerator and denominator coefficients of
% the z-transform
num = input('Type in the numerator coefficients = ');
den = input('Type in the denominator coefficients = ');
% Compute the desired number of inverse transform coefficients
[y,t] = impz(num,den,L);
disp('Coefficients of the power series expansion');
% Program 6_6
% Power Series Expansion of a Rational z-Transform
% Read in the number of inverse z-transform coefficients
% to be computed
N = input('Type in the length of output vector = ');
% Read in the numerator and denominator coefficients of
% the z-transform
num = input('Type in the numerator coefficients = ');
den = input('Type in the denominator coefficients = ');
% Compute the desired number of inverse transform
% coefficients
x = [1 zeros(1, N-1)];
y = filter(num, den, x);
disp('Coefficients of the power series expansion');
% Stability Test
num = input('Type in the numerator vector = ');
den = input('Type in the denominator vector = ');
N = max(length(num),length(den));
x = 1; y0 = 0; S = 0;zi = zeros(1,N-1);
for n = 1:1000
[y,zf] = filter(num,den,x,zi);
if abs(y) <>
x = 0;
S = S + abs(y);
y0 = y;zi = zf;
if n <>
disp('Stable Transfer Function');
disp('Unstable Transfer Function');
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