Friday, July 17, 2009

Chapter 5

function y = circonv(x1, x2)
% Develops a sequence y obtained by the circular
% convolution of two equal-length sequences x1 and x2
L1 = length(x1);
L2 = length(x2);
if L1 ~= L2, error('Sequences of unequal length'), end
y = zeros(1,L1);
x2tr = [x2(1) x2(L2:-1:2)];
for k = 1:L1,
sh = circshift(x2tr', k-1)';
h = x1.*sh;
y(k) = sum(h);

function [Y] = haar_1D(X)
% Computes the Haar transform of the input vector X
% The length of X must be a power-of-2
% Recursively builds the Haar matrix H
v = log2(length(X)) - 1;
H = [1 1;1 -1];
for m = 1:v,
A = [kron(H,[1 1]);
2^(m/2).*kron(eye(2^m),[1 -1])];
H = A;
Y = H*double(X(:));

% Program 5_1
% Illustration of DFT Computation
% Read in the length N of sequence and the desired
% length M of the DFT
N = input('Type in the length of the sequence = ');
M = input('Type in the length of the DFT = ');
% Generate the length-N time-domain sequence
u = [ones(1,N)];
% Compute its M-point DFT
U = fft(u,M);
% Plot the time-domain sequence and its DFT
t = 0:1:N-1;
title('Original time-domain sequence')
xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude')
k = 0:1:M-1;
title('Magnitude of the DFT samples')
xlabel('Frequency index k'); ylabel('Magnitude')
title('Phase of the DFT samples')
xlabel('Frequency index k'); ylabel('Phase')

% Program 5_2
% Illustration of IDFT Computation
% Read in the length K of the DFT and the desired
% length N of the IDFT
K = input('Type in the length of the DFT = ');
N = input('Type in the length of the IDFT = ');
% Generate the length-K DFT sequence
k = 0:K-1;
V = k/K;
% Compute its N-point IDFT
v = ifft(V,N);
% Plot the DFT and its IDFT
xlabel('Frequency index k'); ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Original DFT samples')
n = 0:N-1;
title('Real part of the time-domain samples')
xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Imaginary part of the time-domain samples')
xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude')

% Program 5_3
% Numerical Computation of Fourier transform Using DFT
k = 0:15; w = 0:511;
x = cos(2*pi*k*3/16);% Generate the length-16 sinusoidal sequence
X = fft(x); % Compute its 16-point DFT
XE = fft(x,512); % Compute its 512-point DFT
% Plot the frequency response and the 16-point DFT samples
plot(k/16,abs(X),'o', w/512,abs(XE))
xlabel('\omega/\pi'); ylabel('Magnitude')

% Program 5_4
% Linear Convolution Via the DFT
% Read in the two sequences
x = input('Type in the first sequence = ');
h = input('Type in the second sequence = ');
% Determine the length of the result of convolution
L = length(x)+length(h)-1;
% Compute the DFTs by zero-padding
XE = fft(x,L); HE = fft(h,L);
% Determine the IDFT of the product
y1 = ifft(XE.*HE);
% Plot the sequence generated by DFT-based convolution and
% the error from direct linear convolution
n = 0:L-1;
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Result of DFT-based linear convolution')
y2 = conv(x,h);
error = y1-y2;
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Error sequence')

% Program 5_5
% Illustration of Overlap-Add Method
% Generate the noise sequence
R = 64;
d = rand(R,1)-0.5;
% Generate the uncorrupted sequence and add noise
k = 0:R-1;
s = 2*k.*(0.9.^k);
x = s + d';
% Read in the length of the moving average filter
M = input('Length of moving average filter = ');
% Generate the moving average filter coefficients
h = ones(1,M)/M;
% Perform the overlap-add filtering operation
y = fftfilt(h,x,4);
% Plot the results
xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude')

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